5 Ways to Have a Safe New Year’s Eve 2023 in Houston

New Year’s Eve is one of the biggest party nights of the year in Houston, TX, and the last thing you want is to end it in the emergency room.
SignatureCare Emergency Center physicians are, of course, always here to help should you need us, but mostly we want you to have a happy and safe New Year’s Eve.
How to Gat Safe New Year’s Eve in Houston
Stay Safe Around Alcohol
Even if you don’t normally drink much, there’s a strong temptation to overdo it on New Year’s Eve. Having one too many cannot only ruin your fun, it can spoil the occasion for others around you, and set you up for a massive hangover to start the New Year.
Make sure you know your limits and stay within them. It’s also helpful if you know which drinks in particular your body reacts badly to.
If you’re drinking over several hours, alternate alcoholic beverages with glasses of water so you stay hydrated, and don’t take strong drinks one after the other.
Try not to leave drinks unattended. While it’s nice to think there is nothing but goodwill in the world on this festive occasion, some people think it’s fun to spike other’s drinks and the result can be catastrophic.
Try to carry your glass with you wherever you go, and if you can’t take it with you (for instance if you’re going to the bathroom) ask a trusted friend to keep an eye on it for you.
A common cause of accidents on New Year’s Eve is people being hit in the face by flying champagne corks. Popping corks is great fun and a classic way to celebrate but, if you’re indulging, remember to aim the bottle away from people.
Stay in Touch With Friends
Make sure you know how to contact friends if you happen to be separated at an event or party. Swap cell phone numbers with everyone in your group if possible, rather than simply limiting your contacts to one or two close friends.
That way you have more choice and stand more chance of contacting someone in the group if you suddenly find yourself on your own, or you need help.
Pay attention to your phone and check for messages or missed calls, especially if one member of your group hasn’t been seen for a while.
Party Safety
New Year’s Eve is definitely party night, and whether you’re hosting a party or attending one at a friend’s house, having a few contingency plans will help the evening go smoothly.
Have a designated driver if you’re traveling in a group. Organizing this in advance means everyone knows where they stand and there are no last-minute arguments or misunderstandings.
If you know it’s going to be a very late night, it might be simpler to arrange an overnight stay in a nearby hotel, or ask a friend to put you up.
If you’re hosting a party, have contingency plans for any guests who need a lift home. It could be worth contacting a local cab company and pre-arranging rides for anyone who has forgotten to make their own arrangements.
Also, you can make it easier for people to stay sober by providing non-alcoholic beverages as well as strong drinks.
Whether you are traveling long distance to visit friends and family, or you are just going out of town with friends for a party, bear in mind these safety tips for safe travel:
- Be prepared for winter conditions. Heavy rain, snow, or ice can make driving hazardous.
- Take turns driving if you are going some distance and have a traveling companion.
- Do try to take a traveling companion, not just for company but for help and support along the way.
- Don’t drink and drive. Try to have a designated driver who will stay sober for every stretch of the journey.
- Check your vehicle before you set off, topping up fuel, oil, and water and checking tyre pressures.
- Consider taking public transport, as this can take the pressure off choosing drivers and can leave you free to simply enjoy yourself.
Take Care of Pets
It’s easy to forget about pets’ needs when planning celebrations or organizing nights out with friends.
New Year’s Eve is great fun for humans, but often hazardous for pets that are easily spooked by loud noises. Their instinct is to run away, and fleeing pets can cause accidents on the road, get lost, or even bite someone through fear.
Make sure yours stay safe by keeping them indoors, or at least checking that perimeter fences and gates are all secure. It’s also a good idea to make sure microchip information is up-to-date, or to get your pet microchip if you haven’t already done so.
Whatever you’re doing this New Year’s Eve, stay safe, stay happy, have a great time, and start 2016 fighting fit and full of health. If you believe you have an alcohol problem or difficulty controlling your drinking, consider detoxification. There are medical professionals trained to help you detoxify.
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