Keeping Medicine Out of Children’s Hands

In most homes, there are medications that children and teens can easily access. Even if your home is child-free, it’s best to make sure that you have barriers in place to keep medicine safe. By keeping medications out of reach, adults can prevent a tragedy from ever taking place.
Here easy ways to keep medicines away from your children and prevent accidents.
1. Toss Out Safely
It’s not uncommon to have a few extra pills leftover when you finish a course of medication. While it’s tempting to hold onto prescriptions after you are feeling better the safest thing to do is remove them from your home.
Disposing of old medications, even over-the-counter ones, needs to be done carefully. Never flush old pills down the toilet to avoid polluting water systems. The best way to get rid of medications no longer in use is to take them to your pharmacy or police department.

2. Count Pills
If you are taking medications on a daily basis, you should keep track of how many pills you have. That is especially important when it comes to pain relievers. Opioid abuse is in crisis mode in North America, and one of the highest percentages of recreational use is with teens.
If you are taking an opioid painkiller or other addicting medication be sure to store your prescription bottles in a secure place that can be locked.
3. Don’t Forget Over-the-Counter Medications
Many people overlook the dangers of medications that can be purchased without a prescription while securing medications. Over-the-counter drugs can be dangerous in the hands of a child. Cough syrups, sleeping aids, and medicines for motion sickness often taste good making them a target for children.
See also: 4 Drugs That Can Cause Anxiety.
Acetaminophen is one of the most common drugs that people overdose. The drug is used to treat everything from arthritis to the common cold. Because acetaminophen is a common ingredient in many types of medicine, it is easy to take large doses without meaning to.
4. Away From Home
While traveling, have a secure place to store your medications. It may seem much easier to keep your drugs in a purse or suitcase, but it’s never the best option. To be safe carry a lockbox to store your medications if your hotel room does not have personal safes.
Be Prepared In Case
Even in the safest of homes, an accident can happen. Know the number of your local poison control hot-line. In cases of medical emergency call 9-1-1 for help.
Having medications on hand for illnesses and medical conditions is a fact of life for most households today. By making sure to secure all drugs kept in your home, you can have a safer environment for your family and friends. It takes little time to add extra security to your home when dealing with your medications, and minimum precaution can go a long way in preventing tragedy.