Seizure – Causes, When to Go to ER

Seizure – Common Symptoms of Seizure and Epilepsy, and When to Visit the ER
A seizure is caused by unusual electrical transmissions in the brain. A person may experience seizures as a side effect from other health issues, or seizures may be the result of something that has damaged the brain. Seizures are often accompanied by a loss of control and jerking or stiffening of the body.
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Common Causes of Seizures
Epilepsy – Epilepsy is one of the most common causes of seizures, and there are several different types. Epilepsy is a nervous system disorder that disrupts the normal electrical transmissions in the brain. The disorder can affect one side or both sides of the brain, and it can vary in severity.
Head Injuries – Severe head injuries can cause seizures, especially if the person has also sustained a concussion or a skull fracture. These often occur after a fall, while playing contact sports and in automobile accidents. It may be a few hours or even a few days before symptoms of a head injury appear, which is why a person who has a head injury should see a doctor as soon as possible.
Substance Abuse – Drugs and alcohol can cause seizures if they are abused. Amphetamine addicts may have seizures because the drug alters the way that the brain functions. If an alcoholic or drug addict stops drinking or using drugs, he may experience seizures as he goes through withdrawal.
Cerebral Palsy – Cerebral palsy occurs when an infant’s brain is injured while he is still in the womb or early in infancy. A person with cerebral palsy may experience seizures throughout his life as a result of the disorder, but he may be able to take medication to minimize the occurrence and severity of his seizures.
Brain Aneurysm – A brain aneurysm occurs when a blood vessel in the brain fills with blood and begins to bulge. This is a very serious condition, and it can lead to death if the vessel bursts. An aneurysm may cause seizures, weakness and loss of consciousness.
When to Seek Medical Attention
If you have a medical disorder that can cause seizures, then you should always make sure that the people around you can recognize a seizure as it happens. Symptoms of a seizure include:
- You sustain a severe head injury
- You experience a seizure for the first time
- Your seizures are worsening or are occurring more frequently
- A person who is having a seizure does not regain consciousness
Seizures can cause permanent damage to the brain, and it is important that you see a doctor as soon as possible to minimize the effects. You should go to the nearest emergency room as soon as possible.
If you or someone you know is suffering from a seizure, visit SignatureCare Emergency Center as soon as possible. We have multiple emergency rooms open 24 hours a day, staffed by board-certified physicians. Our board-certified physicians will get you taken care of, within the comforts of our fully-stocked facility. Schedule an emergency room appointment with us.
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- Seizure – Causes, When to Go to ER
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