Top 9 Healthiest Foods

Top 9 Healthiest Foods
It’s common knowledge that some foods are carcinogenic, some contribute to a high cholesterol level, and a few even make our bones brittle, as well as foods that help gain weight. But then come their healthy counterpart foods that fight cancer, reduce cholesterol levels, strengthen bones, inhibit inflammation, strengthen the immune system and provide minerals that promote muscle growth.
The healthiest foods display multiple of these positive properties. We’ve come with a list that you might want to hang in your kitchen, so you don’t forget to buy these groceries and change your diet for the better.
Healthiest Food No. 1: Broccoli and broccoli sprouts
Broccoli is a superfood that stimulates the formation of a substance that can prevent cancer and even fight existing cancer – especially breast, prostate, intestinal and cervical cancer. Also, broccoli provides sulforaphane, a secondary plant substance with a highly antioxidant effect. Sulforaphane is also active in the fight against cancer but also helps with Alzheimer’s disease and arthritis. If you want to take full advantage of the beneficial effects of broccoli, you should eat broccoli together with broccoli sprouts in the same meal.
According to a researcher from the University of Illinois, this combination is expected to double the cancer-fighting effects of broccoli. Broccoli sprouts are easy to grow home. Get some Bio-Broccoli Seed, a germinating machine and set as the instructions advise. In a few days, your broccoli sprouts are ready to be eaten.
Three to five meals per week are obviously already sufficient for the broccoli to begin to function in the body. It is important to ensure that the vegetables are prepared properly – i.e., with the help of enzymes. Do not boil the broccoli, but dampen it as briefly as possible. Also, never prepare broccoli dishes in the microwave as they destroy the high levels of antioxidants that would be found in its closer to raw form.
Broccoli sprouts are easy to pull themselves. Obtain a Bio-Broccoli Seed, a germinating machine and set as the instructions advise. In a few days, your broccoli sprouts are ready to be eaten.
Healthiest Food No. 2: Hemp seed
The small seeds of the hemp, the hemp nuts, are not only a delicious but also a particularly valuable food for humans and that has been known since ancient times. Hemp nuts provide antioxidants, vitamin E and some B vitamins especially the vitamin B2. Hemp is one of the best herbal vitamin B2 sources. Vitamin B2 is very important for the thyroid, the eyes and the skin. It plays an important role in muscle building and is involved in the formation of stress hormones. Do you occasionally get cracked corners of your mouth or cracked lips; does your skin get very dry? Then it’s time for hemp!
Hemp supplies you with a high-quality protein. The hemp grains are made of up to 24 percent of proteins necessary to us humans. If you think you have to eat meat, fish and eggs to get a complete amino acid profile, then you’re not wrong, but if you want to spice up your protein supply, then you need 2 to 3 tablespoons of hemp protein per day, which you can mix in juices or smoothies. Athletes can consume twice as much (divided into two portions).
Hemp seed is peeled and can be blended wonderfully in shakes, soups or sauces, or sprinkled over salads and vegetables. Hemp seeds can also be mixed exactly like sunflower seeds in biscuits and bread doughs. When the hemp seed is ground, the resulting hemp flour can be added up to 20% to a conventional flour recipe and gives the food a nutty flavor.
A very healthy snack can be dough made from ground hemp seed, oatmeal, breadcrumbs, an egg, and spices, in which you can add any filling and shape it into small pieces which you fry in coconut oil until they turn golden brown.
In addition to the hemp nuts, there is also fine hemp oil. Its omega-6-omega-3 ratio is optimal. Don’t heat this oil but instead use it as salad dressing. Chronic diseases are often due to chronic inflammatory processes, and the correct fatty acid ratio in the hemp can have an anti-inflammatory effect. Chronic inflammatory diseases include arthritis, arteriosclerosis, periodontal disease, diabetes and hypertension. Since hemp also contains the rare gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), the nutrients in hemp oil can also be used in neurodermatitis or premenstrual syndrome. GLA has a positive effect not only on the skin but also on the female hormonal levels.
Healthiest Food No. 3: Chia seeds
Chia seeds are tiny grains that originate from Mexico, where it is considered that just a teaspoon of them can provide a person with all the nutrients they need for the next 24h. If you look at the nutritional values of the seeds, then this statement is no longer surprising. Chia seeds provide twice as much protein as conventional grain, three times as much iron as spinach, and five times as much calcium as milk. The omega-6 omega-3 ratio in Chia is excellent.
While the modern diet often provides 15 to 20 times more omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3 fatty acids, the chia seeds contain three times as many omega-3 fatty acids as omega-6 fatty acids and thus provides an anti-inflammatory and healing-promoting environment in the body. Chia seeds are reminiscent of flaxseed because of this fatty acid pattern. But it’s difficult to store flax seed very well as they quickly become rancid. Chia seeds, on the other hand, can be stored for many years without suffering nutrient loss.
Similar to linseed, the chia seeds also swell noticeably in fluids. They, therefore, regulate digestion, relieve heartburn, keep the blood glucose level constant and have a detoxifying effect. You can prepare lovely puddings and shakes with the chia seeds thanks to their strong springiness.
Healthiest Food No. 4: Dandelion
How can a weed be one of healthiest foods? Quite simple: Dandelion is in fact, no weed. It was only belittled by those who know nothing about its value. The condition of our digestive system is known to be crucial to our overall health. If the intestines, the bile or the liver are ill, nothing works well – neither the nutrient intake nor the poisonous compound excretion. The dandelion regulates digestion, activates gastric secretion, relieves bloating, promotes the bile flow, helping against bile stones and also improves the processing of fat so that the cholesterol level regains acceptable values.
Don’t hesitate to use Dandelion against bladder infections or other urinary tract infections. In recent years the scientific community has shown that the dandelion has anti-cancer effects. The plant can not only send degenerate cells into cell death in prostate and breast cancer but also in chronic lymphatic leukemia, as well as in chemotherapy-resistant skin cancer.

Dandelion can be consumed in tea form, in green smoothies and salads. It provides forty times more beta-carotene than heatsink, four times as much magnesium, and nine times as much vitamin C. If the weather thwarts the dandelion harvest, or if you do not have time to go into the great outdoors, you can still benefit from dandelion root extract in which lies the concentrated power of the plant. Use up to half a teaspoon of the extract.
Healthiest Food No. 5: Coconut
Fresh coconut is tasty but not as versatile in the kitchen as coconut oil or the coconut milk. The fat in coconut consists predominantly of saturated fatty acids, which are known to protect against arterial calcification and myocardial infarction since they tend to increase the “good” HDL cholesterol, which in turn leads to an improved processing of fat in the metabolism. These fatty acids can soften the cell walls of bacteria (lauric acid, capric acid, etc.), and therefore, impede breakouts. This effect has been observed to affect streptobacilli, Helicobacter pylori, chlamydiae and others. Due to its antibacterial, but also antifungal effects, coconut oil is also a good choice to treat skin fungi infections. Coconut oil also has a deterrent effect on ticks and fleas so you could say it keeps you and even your pets safe from nasty little buggers.
Since coconut fatty acids are very easily digestible, they can be helpful in case of a pancreatic gland deficiency or bile problems. Coconut oil should also prevent and even alleviate Alzheimer’s disease when consumed daily. It is worthy of mention that coconut oil seems to have a metabolic activating effect, increasing the need for exercise because after consumption, people feel full of energy all of a sudden.
The versatility of coconut oil shows it’s great for roasting too, since it is extremely heat-stable and no harmful oxidative processes occur during heating. Don’t shy away from coconut milk, as you can find it in any store, or if you prefer, go for the easy-to-use coconut milk powder, which is quickly stirred and fits perfectly in shakes, smoothies and of course, many Asian dishes.
Healthiest Food No. 6: Nettle
Due to its natural defensive mechanism, nettle has gained unfavorable popularity and stigma, especially among children. However, it’s now been scientifically proven that nettle helps against arthritis, prostate and bladder problems and can be effective in chronic inflammatory bowel problems. The nettle’s seeds put effects of some expensive vitality tonics in the shade and are highly appreciated for usage against hair loss.
Nettle leaves – harvested with gloves – can be used for soups, smoothies, casseroles, quiches, vegetable varieties or for a fine herbal tea. The nettle seeds fit into cereals, bread and pastry recipes, spice mixes or snacks (sprinkled on buttered bread). Smoothies love some extra added nettle. Or you know, take them daily as a food supplement in a spoon.
Healthiest Food No. 7: Quinoa
Quinoa, the Inca wonder, should replace as often as possible the usual side dishes (rice, pasta, French fries, etc.). Quinoa provides an unusually complete amino acid spectrum for plant foods and is therefore well suited for the optimization of your daily protein supply. While many crops are low in lysine, Quinoa contains a lot of it. Lysine, by the way, is the amino acid that can be effective against the metastasis of cancer. Similarly, lysine also acts against arteriosclerotic and allergic processes in the body.
Also, Quinoa contains a significant amount of iron, magnesium and more calcium as well as more vitamin E than wheat or rye. Because of the high magnesium content paired with a vitamin B2 content twice as high as oats, Quinoa helps alleviate migraines.
Since Quinoa is gluten-free, it can easily be consumed by people with celiac disease and also by wheat allergy sufferers. Quinoa is not part of the cereal family, so it doesn’t lead to the typical mucilage of the digestive system or to the serious disadvantages that wheat poses. The glycemic indicator of quinoa is also significantly lower than that of typical dough and pastry products, rice or potato dishes. Quinoa, therefore, protects the blood glucose level and ensures that the carbohydrates pass slowly into the blood.
Enjoy quinoa cooked as an accompaniment or in salads, as fresh quinoa sprouts, popped or flaked in muesli, bread, and rolls.
Healthiest Food No. 8: Chlorella Algae
The chlorophyll content found in these algae is the highest ever measured in a plant. Chlorophyll ensures healthy and pure blood, a clean intestine and healthy mucous membranes. It absorbs body odors and therefore acts against mouth odor or sweat. Chlorophyll also helps the body recognize cancer precursors and eradicate them in time. At the same time, chlorophyll is an excellent leech protector, since it is involved in multiple detoxification processes – whether it be aflatoxins (mold fungi), exhaust fumes, cigarette smoke or dioxin. This plant can even strengthen the effects of antibiotics and antimycotics because it helps protect the intestinal flora and keeps gastrointestinal infections at bay.
The ideal chlorella dose is 1 to 1.5 grams twice a day (2 to 3 grams in total), each with meals. To detoxify, the dose can be increased.
Healthiest Food No. 9: Sprouts
If you buy lettuce and vegetables, then their harvest time has usually already been behind by a few weeks. With every transport and storage day, the vital substance content and the energy in the vegetables are reduced. Freshly harvested vegetables can be obtained at the very most in some farm shops. It would be ideal to plant your own vegetables. Unfortunately, not many of us can afford it due to lack of space and time.
A wonderful alternative are sprouts, which can be grown on the window sill or on the kitchen table without much effort. One slice of full grain bread with butter or a fine vegan spread goes wonderfully with a bowl of fresh sprouts. Think sprouts taste bland? Add dressing or pesto over them!
The germination seeds are also very cheap. From a small parcel, you can gain numerous snack opportunities. Don’t stop just here because you can grow your own small sprout garden using broccoli sprouts, quinoa sprouts, mung bean sprouts, radish sprouts, sunflower seed sprouts, lens sprouts, red cabbages, leek sprouts and many more.
Grab some germinating jars or a germinating device as well as a selection of organic germination seeds and start farming! If you have kids, teach them and they’ll surely be hooked.
So what do you say? Would you consider incorporating at least two of these healthy foods into your diet every day? To make it even easier, here’s some tips to help you decide what you’d like:
For breakfast, make a green smoothie with barley grass powder and take your first dose of chlorella algae. Take a nettle bar to work or uni. Take half a teaspoon of dandelion extract before lunch. Eat an appetizer from a salad with fresh sprouts at noon. As a dessert, treat yourself to a chia pudding.
In the afternoon, drink a shake consisting of 1 tbsp of coconut, peeled hemp seed, freshly squeezed orange juice and a banana – all mixed well in a blender or vitamix.
In the evening, eat quinoa with broccoli (possibly together with broccoli sprouts). Do not forget your second chlorella serving. Let the day end with a basic nettle tea.
If you begin to consume some of the superfoods we’ve mentioned, while avoiding the most unhealthy foods at the same time, you will soon experience a big surprise. Your body will feel lighter but stronger every week, your skin will become smooth and rosy, your power to focus will increase, your fatigue will disappear and you’re guaranteed to get sick less often. Enjoy life and stay healthy!