UNT Health Science Student Wins SignatureCare Emergency Center’s 2022 Spring Semester Medical and Health Scholarship

Katy Wyszynski, a University of North Texas Health Science Center Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine student said watching her mother go through health complications influenced her decision to go into the healthcare field.
HOUSTON, TX – Katy Wyszynski, a University of North Texas Health Science Center Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine student has been awarded the SignatureCare Emergency Center 2022 Spring Semester Medical and Health Scholarship.
Katy beat out other highly qualified applicants for the $1,000 semi-annual scholarship award.
SignatureCare Emergency Center gives out this award to qualified students who demonstrate a deep commitment and passion for the healthcare field. It is designed to help the students pay their tuition, board, book, or other school-related expenses.
“I am grateful to SignatureCare for this scholarship award. It will allow me to continue to focus on my education and worry less about how I am going to pay for it.”
While accepting the award, Katy thanked SignatureCare for the opportunity, adding that the funds will allow her to worry less about school fees while focusing more on her goal of becoming a physician.
“I am grateful to SignatureCare Emergency Center for this scholarship award. It will allow me to continue to focus on my education and worry less about how I am going to pay for it,” Katy said.
Katy said she had chosen to study business until her mother became sick which led her to switch to the healthcare field.
“I chose a business major to pursue at my undergraduate university Vanderbilt. Then my mom got sick when I was at the university. The strange, almost normal thing about it was that it didn’t happen overnight. She had a cold, then it was asthma. Slowly she developed shortness of breath and had to sleep sitting up.
“With building pressure in her chest, she scheduled an appointment with a cardiologist for an additional workup. Days before that appointment, she couldn’t breathe. From her retelling, she thought she was having a heart attack. A visit to the emergency room, and a chest x-ray and EKG later, she was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. She was admitted to the cardiac intensive care unit and finally did get that full workup.
“I remember visiting her in the hospital days later. She was about to be discharged with a cardiac life vest. It’s a chunky vest that looks like it’s bulletproof, and she was meant to wear it 24/7 so in case her heart stopped beating it would automatically defibrillate her. The cardiologist was in her room explaining everything, and I was sitting beside her so helpless and yet so grateful.
“Grateful that she had a team of doctors, nurses, and techs that cared for her so intently in the hospital. Grateful that the emergency room physicians quickly diagnosed her with heart failure so appropriate treatment could be initiated. Without those physicians, she would not be alive today. It was this experience that solidified my interest in medicine, “Katy added.
Rhonda Abbe, Director of Operations for SignatureCare Emergency Center congratulated Katy Wyszynski for winning the scholarship award, adding that she believes Katy has a bright future ahead of her.
“Katy’s passion for medicine is so obvious and I congratulate her for winning the award,” Abbe added.
To learn more about SignatureCare Emergency Center’s Health and Medical Scholarship, go to our scholarship page.